a trick I think I've learned is to jump at the chance to do a quick thing, to carry that accomplishment with you onto bigger goals, so here's a quick thing you can do . . .
PLUGO: artist • comics • illustration (scbwi)

Happy New Year is a phrase I’ll be saying over and over again this month, especially considering the approach of Lunar New Year in just a dozen or so many days. To celebrate, I've included a free comic for you in this email. But first I’m hoping you’ll do me a quick favor and enjoy a fun announcement!

Quick favor: click Kickstart.aTigersTale.com
Then click the green follow button. If you do nothing else, those two clicks alone will be a great favor to me and the campaign I've devoted much of the year to preparing. An easy way to rack up an accomplishment; and quickly do a good deed early in the year. Its important to me because my theory is that the algorithm uses those early follows when deciding if they will lend their promotional weight to the small campaigns like mine.
A Fun Announcement

Many of you know that I'm a life long fan of epic fantasy. I don't just mean Game of Thrones but I'll stop there for recognition's sake. Otherwise it's Bridge Burners and Bone Hunters. My point is that such a style of fantasy storytelling remains an ambitious genre to take on in comics.


I mention this because one of the Fantasy comics which I've followed for some time is hitting Kickstarter today.

While preparing the launch of Kickstart.aTigersTale.com [1/23/23] I reached out to J.L. with an invitation. Since my co-host Kurtis Fujita & I were planning to relaunch our interview series THE COMICS FU SHOW to coincide with Lunar New Year, would he be interested in appearing on an episode?


My thinking was as follows: his series has fight scenes, crazy weapons and combat, so he must have encountered a situation in his story where questions for a Martial Artists might've been helpful. Something like "a guy with a dagger vs. three guys with spears" or "what would the training look like for that pole-arm shown on that cover?" You get the picture.


As we corresponded, one thing lead to another and J.L.  generously offered to include some exclusive map artwork for any A Tiger's Tale supporters who decide they also want to read his work. So, while you're on Kickstarter.com have a look at Ennead: The Rule of Nine as well. Then watch this space for more Ennead + A Tiger's Tale announcements and the return of THE COMICS FU SHOW!

episode 2: wude

You can read the preceding chapter and a more detailed piece on Wude (武德) over on aTigersTale.com but to learn where this story leads, head over to Kickstart.aTigersTale.com on 1/23/23



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