While preparing the launch of Kickstart.aTigersTale.com [1/23/23] I reached out to J.L. with an invitation. Since my co-host Kurtis Fujita & I were planning to relaunch our interview series THE COMICS FU SHOW to coincide with Lunar New Year, would he be interested in appearing on an episode?
My thinking was as follows: his series has fight scenes, crazy weapons and combat, so he must have encountered a situation in his story where questions for a Martial Artists might've been helpful. Something like "a guy with a dagger vs. three guys with spears" or "what would the training look like for that pole-arm shown on that cover?" You get the picture.
As we corresponded, one thing lead to another and J.L. generously offered to include some exclusive map artwork for any A Tiger's Tale supporters who decide they also want to read his work. So, while you're on Kickstarter.com have a look at Ennead: The Rule of Nine as well. Then watch this space for more Ennead + A Tiger's Tale announcements and the return of THE COMICS FU SHOW! |