It was inspired by a handful of conversations around the January's new year. I kept noticing similar themes about the year's initial start, intensity and imminent resolution. This brought to mind a classic tale about the Chinese Lunar zodiac - I wrote a version of it for readers at this time last year.
The story itself was fairly straight forward, but as I worked on the tiniest of thumbnails (smaller even than my own thumb nail) I discovered that adding or subtracting panels was very easy in the 1:1 aspect ratio. From there, I realized I could create impact by doubling that ratio vertically or horizontally. This provided an interesting framework for using the 18 square panels and 3 impact panels (that have a 1:2 or 2:1 ratio) that ultimately made up the comic.
I was able to play with a variety of tiled compositions and layout the comic with anywhere from 4, to 8 panels across. or in the case you see here; 3 panels across. The rest of the comic is hosted in a flexible container where the browser window can have an effect on the panel layout. |