Now, I’ll freely admit that I took a longer than I’d intended to recover from those efforts. I even ended up ignoring my annual #MalazanMarch fan art activities which are normally great fun and have resulted in some great pieces; I wrote a bit about that here if you’re curious. Even worse, I was forced to cancel participating in the 2022 Latinx Pop Lab “POWER OF BIPOC POP” Symposium hosted by The University of Texas at Austin. In retrospect I should have been a little more circumspect with regards to initially accepting the invite to an event so soon after the kickstarter campaign. A great example of the difference between ideals and reality, and definitely an opportunity to do better next time. I could go on a whole other segue about opportunities and “next-times” and maybe I’ll come back to that but let me share some good news about March.
Just over this weekend I finalized the colors for all but single set of panels in A Tiger’s Tale. There's still a cover to finalize, a thank-you section & a couple of stray panels (where backers will appear). Then a final pass on the lettering which has already begun. On the one hand I am behind schedule, in that I’d sought to complete coloring the book over the course of February, but with April approaching I am on track for delivering the project to press, and will be reaching out to them about one of my other sudden inspirations - this one’s about paper, so I’ll spare you the details - for now.
Instead let me share a spoiler free glimpse of our comic’s pagination. About the term; it’s one I used frequently in my work for Kung Fu Tai Chi magazine, but also goes back to my days as a paste-up artist - with the hot wax and everything, it’s a single view which shows every page in a publication and what goes on it. Sometimes a sort of syllabus or guide lists the advertisements and their location or the article and column-length or pages allocated for it. |