I’d meant for this writing to be done in time for the season of Top 10 lists. But I can’t lament taking some extra time to work on it. I tried a Top 10 Whatever in 2021 and found it to be a bit therapeutic. It was also a helpful tool for jump-starting some deeper contemplation of values, efforts and accomplishments; my own and those of others.
10: Coloring A TIGER’s TALE vol. 2

I began the year with great ambitions around volume 2 of A TIGER’s TALE. Those ambitions grew, but the time available to fulfill them shrank. So I approach the end of the year with some of the best pieces (saved for last) in the queue if not on the screen. The thing is, I’d expected that moment to have much earlier in the year; like early spring. So, for all the creative joy and accomplishment this work represents, it’s dropped down to the very bottom of this list as a reflection of the chagrin of not meeting that production deadline.
9: Art Room Upgrades
Right at the very beginning of the year the Art Room, where I spend the majority of my time, received an epic upgrade. The addition of an ergonomic adjustable wing-shaped powered gaming table and tablet stand allowed for a panoramic view for my digital production work-flow; while sitting or standing. That last feature has proven key in allowing me to make the most use of even a stay couple of minutes between dogs walks.
8: KungFuMagazine.com

In 2020 when a certain pandemic shut down production of the current and subsequent issues of Kung Fu Tai Chi magazine I assumed KungFuMagazine.com would be resigned to Internet Archives soon after. Nearly 4 years later and the website not only continues to publish weekly exclusives, its afforded me a continued share of opportunities and by-lines.
7: My Pommo Press Organizer

A small but critical addition to my working and planning habits have come in the form of this Kickstarter funded project.

Season 2 of THE COMICS FU SHOW has been epic. We featured over a dozen live conversations with Martial Artists, Animators, Comic Creators and more!
5: SCBWI: Oktoberfest 2023
This was the year I returned to an in-person event with the Society for Children’s Book Writers & Illustrators. This time as an instructor teaching Sequential Art Essentials.
4: Crowdfundr

I discovered Crowdfundr.com during the spring of 2023, fresh off of the epic success of the Kickstarter campaign for A Tiger’s Tale volume 2. By that summer I would have the good fortune of bringing Lucy Veloz: High Flying Princess to life with a lightning quick crowdfunding and fulfillment campaign.
3: Comics Communities.
Kids Comics Unit and Comics Connection continue to top the list despite the growing number of comics related discord servers and meet-up groups I joined over the year.
2: The Crowdfunding Crucible
Spring brought about an opportunity I couldn’t resist. A chance to codify my newly developed crowdfunding theories resulted in developing it into a curriculum that works!

1: IMPERFEComics
It started as stream of consciousness styled comics to accompany my newsletter updates. It quickly evolved into a more auto-bio-comic series. It’s that aspect of this series that will see publication later this year! More in that later.