PLUGO: artist who writes

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It's been many years since I've made the journey to San Diego Comic-con. But now, Read more
Attending San Diego Comic-Con as a member of the press Senior Reporter for - Read more
This article came across one of my feeds. I’m quoting it here because I want Read more
In a world of digital interactions and curated online personas, there's a rising demand for Read more
UPDATE! Asani Entertainment is now online! Get a sneak peek as some of its “behind-the-scenes” Read more
Subscribers of my monthly MUSEletter will have received other examples but for the sake of Read more
I picked up a new sketchbook recently, have a look at some pages. Read more
Among recent events is my joining the design team at Asani Entertainment. What started off as a Read more
What does it take to Assemble the Team that Makes Your Book!? Award winning Author/Publisher Read more
As part of my ongoing efforts in deconstructing successful crowdfunding campaigns I've been fortunate enough Read more
Have I ever told you about my obsess— appreciation for boxes? Let me tell you Read more
Artwork from Lucy Veloz: High-Flying Princess is one display at the 33rd Annual Children's Book Read more
DUNE 2 hit theaters this weekend, but I saw it nearly two weeks ago - Read more