After a more than a dozen year hiatus, the ‘Sword of Vengeance’ slashes his way back into comics! In SOLOMON KANE: THE SERPENT RING the titular Kane battles from the Barbary Coast; across Southern Europe, to the canals of Venice, as a band of rogues forms around him in their quest for the fabled Serpent Ring of Set!

Robert E. Howard’s iconic Puritan of Vengeance fist saw print in that pages of Weird Tales, August 1928. He appeared in his own short story alongside Howrad’s most famous character Conan The Barbarian and has since appeared in 16 works of prose, 1 movie and a number of comics series. Most recently three mini-series published by Dark Horse Comics in 2012: Solomon Kane, Solomon Kane: Death’s Black Riders, and Solomon Kane: Red Shadows.
Thanks to Titan Comics Kane returns on March 26, 2025 in SOLOMON KANE: THE SERPENT RING #1 (OF 4) by Patrick Zircher (SUPERMAN, IRON MAN, SAVAGE AVENGERS, MOON KNIGHT). This first issue will feature the following covers.