The summer of 2023 has not been a boring one; alternatively hot and/or hectic my astute friends have noticed its impact on our social calendar. Fortunately, friends, backers and colleagues have been understanding and more than generous about this. Thankfully, no irreparable harm was done – even to this website. But I’ll go into detail next.
I wrote about my sudden some-what-enforced update to this website in a mid-June update posted on Patreon page. The decision to post it on Patreon was necessary as this blog was in the hands of a professional development team which had to clean up the mess I’d created. A process which I can only now consider complete. These updates revealed a patch-work of out-of-date hacks in need of attention. You may have noticed some of the new changes & tweaks – some are still a little funky at the moment — you may have noticed.

While I peal away a bit of time to get this website working in a way I’d think as best. That’s just one more thing to add to a growing to-do list which features a list of items STILL waiting to be crossed off while new tasks arrive with the changing season. I’d optimistically expected these lists to have more room on them by now. Alas, still lingering are some things which I’d envisioned being complete in May. frustratingly.

It’s the multi-month calendar I’ve been using to better organize my work that allows me to have a better over-all view of what I’m trying to achieve over the course of this block time. If this post is available to be read on July 11. 2023, then it would still be fair to say I’m meeting most of the bench marks outlined.

Amidst these effort at productivity, there are tasks being accomplished. There is also a sort of organic system developing. I see a dedicated color scheme being helpful in the very near future, but for now let’s consider some of the tasks set out in those entries.
- #TigerTuesday updates act as a sort of cornerstone for these Monday oriented calendars.
- The MMC Meet was the selection process for the 2023 grantee – more on that later.
- CC1-6: Kids Comics Unite’s Crowdfunding Crucible series.
- Several recording sessions, as a guest on a round-table discussion or as director/producer.
In terms of measuring blocks of time, that Tuesday cornerstone remains useful in maintaining productivity before, on and right after. As the week progress, less effort is directed towards tracking; if not productivity.

Our next live show is Tuesday July 11, 2023

There is a lot more I’m eager to update you on. The MAKE MORE COMICS grant Judging, and the Crowdfundr Kids & YA Summer Spotlight #KidsCreator. But those I’ll hold for different posts.