The 2024 MAKE MORE COMICS arts grant is accepting submissions. Submissions for the 2024 grant opened on January 1st, and remain open until March 31st. Due to shipping timelines, items postmarked on or before March 31st will be considered as long as they are received by April 4th. If they are not received by that deadline they will not be considered.

Review Period: Judges will review all submissions received by the deadline during the months of April and May.
The MMC Arts Grant assists comic book creators with small grants to assist in the costs in self-publishing their work. It is not the grants intention to fully support an artist/writer through the entire process of self-publishing, but rather to encourage creators to experience the learning process involved in working towards such a goal.
Grant proposals must be submitted in the form of a written request and must include five copies* each of the following:
- A traditional cover letter that introduces the applicant(s). This must include name, address, phone number, email address, website or social media, and the title of the proposed book/project.
- A creators’ statement of purpose (A page or two explaining what your book is all about and why you want to publish in physical form. This must be separate from the cover letter.
- A bibliography of previous works including but not limited to web comics, self-published, or publisher printed/distributed works. In the absence of previous works a traditional resume/CV (for each contributor, if more than one). The purpose here is to give depth to your experience within creative or comics related work.
- An itemized, proposed budget (in $USD) with description of how you are planning to publish and distribute the completed work.
- A presentation of the work to date in clean, clear, black and white and/or color photocopies. This can be in 8.5″x11″ paper or other sizing. Example or test publications are allowed as well. The judges need enough to ensure they get an idea of the overall look/feel of the final product. Do not send your original art – only copies! Applications will not be returned.
- During the review process you may be contacted by a representative for 100% Comics or the MMC Arts Grant for follow-up questions or information.
- If your packet arrives after the submission deadline it will not be considered for the current years grant. Incomplete applications will not be considered. No digital submissions will be considered.
- Winners will be selected as the panel of judges sees fit. They are not required to provide reasoning, feedback, or explanation for the decisions.
Arts micro-grant to support independent comics publishing
The Make More Comics Arts Grant was created to find ways to support creative comics creators in pursuit of the art of comic storytelling. We want to promote and reward creative people working in the medium that we love and enjoy for many years to come.