A Tiger’s Tale volume 2

I’ve been sitting on this news for too long, so I had to share it for this #WuxiaWednesday! After months of focus on the production process behind A TIGER’s TALE volume 2. That effort has paid off.

Printed copies of A TIGER’s TALE volume 2 have arrived from the printer! Have a look –

Look at that gloss! it looks like wet ink!

I’m very excited to pack these up (along with the various extras that made up stretch goals and what not) and ship them out to those patient backer who make this book possible. 

A TIGER’s TALE vol. 2

Once this book is in the hands of backers, reviewers and V.I.Ps then it’ll be made available for purchase on this very site. 

A glimpse of the extras backers will also receive. 

Watch for further updates in the very near future.