Here it is; my first major kickstarter project has just launched! Well . . . it’s not My Kickstarter exactly, but I’m really fond of the short comic I contributed to this anthology and I am very much invest in its success. Not just because the support you lend this campaign will ensure over-two-dozen creatives are paid for their work but because I think this book should be in the hands of as many young readers as possible.
Speculative Fiction for Dreamers: A Latinx Anthology is edited by Alex Hernandez, Matthew Goodwin & Sarah Rafael Garcia. The book, likely a perfect bound trade paperback, will be published by Ohio State University Press, a non-profit, and is scheduled to premiere in August 2021. From what I know of those involved, which is not-nearly enough, this anthology will be full deeply personal works reaching out to a generation of underrepresented readers.
Just look at this table of contents . . .
- Preface: Frederick Luis Aldama
- Introduction: Alex Hernandez, Matthew David Goodwin, Sarah Rafael Garcia
- Karlo Yeager Rodriguez: “How Juan Bobo Got to los Nueba Yores”
- Ernest Hogan: “Those Rumors of Cannibalism and Human Sacrifice Have Been Greatly Exaggerated”
- Sabrina Vourvoulias: “St. Simon of 9th and Oblivion”
- Samy Figaredo: “Ancestral Lines and Other Tall Tales”
- Tammy Melody Gomez: “Quetzal Feathers”
- Lisa M. Bradley: “Tia Abuela’s Face, 10 Ways”
- Stephanie Nina Pitsirilos: “Jean”
- Louangie Bou-Montes: “Like Flowers through Concrete”
- Roman Sanchez: “A Flock for the Sandhill Crane”
- Diana Burbano: “Fancy”
- Eliana Buenrostro: “Time Traveler Intro”
- Sara Rivera: “The Music Box”
- William Alexander: “My First Word”
- Pedro Iniguez: “Do as I Do”
- Pedro Cabiya: “The Clarification Oral History Project”
- Alex Temblador: “Curanderas in the Ceiling”
- Daniel Parada: “Dream Rider”
- Laura Villareal: “Spooky Action at a Distance”
- Grisel Acosta: “BlindVision”
- Roxanne Ocasio: “The Chupacabra Next Door”
- Reyes Ramirez: “An Adventure of Xuxa, La Ultima”
- Stephanie Adams-Santos: “Night Flowers”
- Julia Rios: “Alma y CorazĂłn”
- Frederick Luis Aldama, Fernando de la Peña, and Rodrigo Vargas: “Ella”
- Steve Castro: “Two-Bullet Cowgirl Blues,” “A Mirage,” and “The One”
- J.M. Guzman: “Grave Talk”
- Nicholas Belardes: “A Dangerous Wand”
- Sara Rivera: “Madrina”
- Scott Duncan: “Bad Sun,” “Beacon,” “Her Number,” and “Old Folks”
- Ezzy G. Languzzi: “Soledad”
- Patrick Lugo: “Contraband”
- Grisel Acosta: “The ENCRoach Program”
- Tabitha Sin: “Homebound”
Even More appealing is the delightful cover.

In reflection of the heartfelt works involved, there is an excellent selection of reward incentives. Besides one, or more copies of the book, you can receive original artwork, short story or comic consultations, query critiques and more. Plans are on the way to feature an author/artist each day throughout the campaign.
Looking back, you might notice that my piece CONTRABAND makes up Part V of the anthology. As I had no say in its placement and only a general idea of the other works included, I’m thrilled by what I find to be such auspicious placement, with-in the collection. Knowing what I know about my contribution, I’m utterly intrigued with ideas about the over-all reading experience. But there’s another reason why my position at the end of the line has me so tickled. As this campaign progresses I’ll get to know more and more about the creatives whose art, and craft, and work will literally be bound to mine.
An added bonus, I have just a bit of lead time before it’s my turn to present what I’ve got to offer as an incentive to support this project. I’ll update this post or add a new one for the occasion. Until then, have a look at the campaign’s progress. It seems to be off to an enthusiastic start.
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