PLUGO at SCBWI book launch The chance to present present myself as a published author is rare and worth remembering. November 9, 2021November 9, 2021blog, children's book, interviews
#DoneinSix Challenge! : to distill a story, an epic story into just six comic panels. It can be done! Just see the results of adapting Lord of the Rings to a comic #DoneinSix October 23, 2021December 3, 2023blog, comics
Articles I’ve written Included for your reading enjoyment, an expanding list of the articles I have written October 1, 2021October 8, 2021blog
The Comics Fu Show: episode 1 Taking our stand where Comics & Kung Fu intersect with Pop Culture! It’s THE COMICS FU SHOW! See our first double sized first episode September 28, 2021September 28, 2021blog, comics, interviews, movies, Projects, reviews
Reviewing THE SUICIDE SQUAD I’ve committed to so many activities over this summer, I’ve had little chance to spend time writing more than a caption or […] August 1, 2021August 10, 2021blog, movies, reviews