Looking back, I realize I’ve started a number of blog post which have yet to be finished. And so I’m writing this as a means to capture at least some of the many occurrences which would merit an update. Recently, I’ve been having a number of conversations about harnessing and directing the energies inherent in chaos, particularly the chaos I’ve found myself at home in over the past couple of years. How does one get anything done while in the maelstrom of such chaos, much less make it all look meticulously planned? That’s a subject worth a lot more dedicated attention, but maybe this update can make a fair starting point. Mindful of thinking like an alchemist I’ll attempt a distilled synthesis here. If I succeed in pulling off this improvised feat then that will be a magic trick of its own.
As I’ve mentioned elsewhere; yesterday marked WuxiaWednesday #10 – ten weeks since the completion of my Kickstart.aTigersTale.com crowfunding campaign. It’s also New Comic Book Day; perfect for the exclusive release of A TIGER’S TALE volume 1 on aTigersTale.com. This event follows yesterday’s big #tigertuesday cover reveal. Both of which are events exclusive to backers of February’s campaign. Which, I’m certain, includes many readers here.
But continuing our backwards journey through time, here are some updates that deserve as wide an audience as possible.
Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness

You may have heard that just last week I had the good fortune of catch a press screener of Marvel’s latest movie. Not only was I invited to write the official review for KungFuMagazine.com, a piece I had to turn around almost over night. Still the experience was so enjoyable that really did want to capture my most immediate reactions and observations.
One perk, an indicator that these sorts of movie reviews may be one of my super-powers, is that I got to sit in reserved seating of heroic (or anti-heroic) proportions.

If I’d spent a little more time on it I may have mentioned the need to forgive inconsistencies in make-up and hair for some of the characters. A side-effect of production being broken up due to a certain ongoing world-wide-pandemic. The first time Wong’s hair changes length and style, I assumed it was me – I wasn’t paying close enough attention. When it happened again, I understood that this would be one of those things you’d either have to forgive, overlook or risk being pulled out of the experience; and rightly so. You’d think such mulit-million dollar extravaganzas would hire at least one person to address such inconsistencies. In a movie like this one a digital hair-cut shouldn’t be too much to ask. But don’t let that gripe keep you from one of Marvel’s most entertaining movies to date.
Read: DOCTOR STRANGE IN THE MULTIVERSE OF MADNESS: Alternative Medicine for the Tortured Soul
The Northman

Even more unique was my opportunity to review The Northman! I’ve been fascinated by films of Robert Eggers, since I encountered THE VVITCH (2015), so when I’d heard his 3rd movie would be a Viking Epic, I held out hope for that chance to catch it in theaters. When I got the message asking if I’d be interested in covering it, I jumped at the chance.

There was a personal component to my experience watching this film which wasn’t really mentioned in the review. That entire dimension counts as one of those unfinished blog-posts I mentioned. I may get back to it at some point as it touches on my lost years in the company of Viking Re-creationists. So is that the time-travel component represented by Loki’s attending the movie up there? Fortunately, the movie’s back-story provided its own deep dive. The research expanded my horizons but proved incomplete as evidenced by this video for example–
With no real focus beyond cataloging art projects in video format, it’s easy to experiment with YouTube. The recent crowdfunding temporarily boosted my streaming capacity, which gave me the chance to celebrate my annual #MalazanMarch fan art activities in a different fashion. The combination resulted in this improvised conversational cross-over with writer/content creator Donovan Rittenbach.
Prize Worthy!
This Epic Anthology Returns!

While this anthology premiered in the autumn of 2021 it’s found itself to be newsworthy yet again. Speculative Fiction for Dreamers is now a finalist in the anthology division for the Locus Award. Those results are from the February 1 to April 15 voting, done by readers on an open public ballot.
The Locus Awards winners will be announced June 25, 2022

Added to that, Speculative Fiction for Dreamers is also a finalist for the 2022 Ignyte award. The Ignyte Awards are open to any member of the speculative fiction community who wishes to vote on them. You do not have to vote in every category, but you may only submit a ballot once. The deadline for turning in your ballot is June 10th at 11:59pm eastern time. Winners will be announced September 17th.

Those recent interviews overlap with the Kickstart.aTigersTale.com campaign of 10 weeks ago. This is not a comprehensive round up, I haven’t mentioned birthday celebrations (in contrast to last year’s), Malazan Quiz Night (in the morning) or my participation in Kids Comics Unite.

I suppose that leaves me with something to write about later…