Access Granted: Artroom Access is now available via My life as a full-time artist is composed of equal parts Chaos, Inspiration and the constant work to make it all appear planned. I’ve written before about how this approach has frequently left a door open to luck and synchronicity, but I’m not certain such writing really captures the flow of magic out of this chaos. It’s been suggested to me, more than once, that people might get a lot out of an up-close, real-time look at how I get things done.
This is one reason I’ve decided to publicly launch a PLUGOarts Patreon Page. Another is that I have generally been a schedule-averse creative; relying on deadlines to motivate me to get things done. So my goal with Patron is to develop a more systemic method for, not only completing projects (an area always worth improving), but for documenting their developmental processes.
There are things I’m so accustomed to doing, I often loose sight of how some tricks can be helpful for others also on their creative journeys. Maintaining as regular a schedule as I’m likely to on this platform will both help me refine my processes to both our benefits – that’s the theory. Added to that it’ll give you the most intimate access to the creative process as I live it.
I trust you, if anyone, have a decent picture of the amount of “art” I’m putting out there freely and surprisingly consistently. There’s my weekly #TigerTuesday, our monthly MUSEletter, semi-regular blog posts and seasonal movie reviews (fingers crossed for WAKANDA FOREVER), the occasional interview, fan art, Instagram, Facebook, Youtube, Twitter, K.C.U., G.N.A.W. and more. But the secret is that, except for a few inspired moments and real-time activities, much of what you see is done days or weeks in advance. Though sometimes the night before too.
This method has been pretty good for me, but I need to do more, better, and part of that equation includes real-time accountability from those whose feedback matters most to me: You. So, (along with the possibly serializing A TIGER’s TALE volume 1½) the Patreon platform, will host exclusive, intimate access to my creative process in-real-time. A look at the work I’m doing AS I’M DOING IT, rather than when it’s posted for optimal social media engagement or to fit my latest marketing strategy; or lack there of.

Hopefully you’re now curious about what this all means, so take a moment to visit and have a look at what I’ll be offering in the way of Artroom Access and Patron Previews. As an added incentive which I’m mentioning here; anyone who joins this Patreon page, at any level, will be added to my growing end-of-the-year care package list. As you know, I intermittently send out care packages to supporters and fans. These usually consist of the various print overages, other print projects I accumulate over the year(s); stickers, mini-comics, zines, prints, postcards and even original art. My last batch of care packages were mailed out in the summer of 2021 while this summer’s packages also took the form of a lot of extra stuff added to various kickstarter rewards. After September, only Patreons with Artroom Access will be added to the care-package list, so I offer 16 days to check out the projects I’ll be working on and what I’ll be presenting on Patreon.