Hildebrandts on Illustrating Tolkien With Game of Thrones and The Hobbit series fresh in mind, this 70’s era fantasy imagery is all the more fascinating. June 11, 2015June 11, 2015article, blog, illustration
The Zoomquilt Check out THE ZOOMQUILT! An infinitely zooming work of collaborative surrealism. March 18, 2015March 10, 2015blog, reviews
26th Annual Children’s Book Illustrator Exhibit Artists’ reception for the 26th Annual Children’s Book Illustrator Exhibit at the Sun Gallery in Hayward California is this Saturday (March 14, 2015 – 1:00pm to 4:00pm), and you’re invited! March 12, 2015March 11, 2015blog, children's book, gallery, illustration
A Valuable 10 minutes The quest to block out a chunk of time for productivity is ongoing. February 14, 2013February 16, 2013from my iPone