The Titan Beyond the Wall What foe would be such a threat as to unify all the heroes of Westeros? April 28, 2019March 7, 2020fan art, illustration
Westeros Avengers 2: Iron Lion Westeros Avenger Mash-Up Part 2: Sir Antony Lannistark is the Iron Lion. #fanart #westerosavengers #gameofthrones #avengers #mashup #Lannister April 20, 2019March 5, 2020blog, illustration
Westeros Avengers What would The Avengers look like if they existed in the world of A Song of Ice and Fire? Who are the Westeros Avengers? April 14, 2019October 21, 2020blog, fan art, illustration
Sketching GREEN TURTLE; The Shadow Hero I only recently read Gene Yang’s THE SHADOW HERO. I was able to borrow a review copy just before his visit to […] July 26, 2014blog, comics, fan art, illustration