HBD GENE WILDER! Subscribers of my monthly MUSEletter will have received other examples but for the sake of a public blog, let me explain. Dating […] June 11, 2024June 5, 2024blog
2023: Top 10 Whatever I’d meant for this writing to be done in time for the season of Top 10 lists. But I can’t lament taking some extra time to work on it. January 9, 2024January 4, 2024blog
Power Box Art Alameda Maybe a month ago I was forwarded a call for submissions Power Box Art: Energizing Alameda.  In their word… Across the country communities […] July 11, 2014July 11, 2014blog
A Valuable 10 minutes The quest to block out a chunk of time for productivity is ongoing. February 14, 2013February 16, 2013from my iPone