It was 41 weeks ago. I set in motion the events which have lead to this moment.

Here we are, at the final day of my countdown. The journey to launching A Tiger’s Tale on Kickstarter has harnessed the power of many a late night up. As February 1st approaches, my excitement to share this moment has me thinking of my fellow night-owls. So I’ve decided on a night-time release for the campaign. We are celebrating the Lunar New Year and so I’d like to cordially invite you to join me live online to send this Kickstarter Campaign over the New Moon of the Black Tiger at 09:49 pm PST

Not only will you get to share a great moment in history (the Black Tiger will not return for another 60 years) but you can be part of the First 55! Those first 55 backers will also receive a FREE POSTER! Find me online via facebook, Instagram and or twitter for more details!
Your support has made a world of difference to me over these 40 weeks and I’m hoping that together we’ll make the next 30 days a roaring success for all!
But don’t feel like you’re coming to this party alone. Because in actuality the launch of A TIGER’s TALE comes on the heels of A HUNTER’s TALE whose own very worthy campaign ends tonight! It’s a beautifully inspiring project which I’d recommend to all. A mighty example of the ability of comics to reach across generations! It was creator Ryan Claytor (a true Scholar & Gentleman) who generously invited me to launch my campaign live as a part of his own campaign’s wrap party!

Then, come first thing in the morning (after morning Tai Chi) Joining the Lunar New Year festivities with the Premiere of TIGER TALK! See our schedule below and watch for surprises!

Feb 1 6:00am PST: Tiger Talk: 1 talking with Gene Ching:
Here we discus The Lunar New Year of the Tiger, its symbolism within Martial Arts and Kung Fu. Added to that is an indepth exploration on the Chinese Lion Dance, its significance to martial arts, history and culture as well as the Kung Fu of Tea and Art (yes, there’s such a thing!)
Feb 1 11:00am PST: Tiger Talk: What’s Wulin with Gene Ching:
A deep Dive into the characters behind the phrase Wu Lin (武林) with accompanying article on
Feb 1 12:00pm PST: NEXT on Tiger Talk!
Catch a glimpse of the guests, topics and accomplishments covered on the next episodes of TIGER TALK