I’ve been giving the subject a lot of thought and spent my last campaign field testing those theories — they worked! I’ll be sharing how I hacked my campaign on during my workshop on Saturday May 13th 2023 – CROWDFUNDING: 5 Helpful Hacks in the lead up to this event I’ve written this 3 part series.
Why Crowdfund?

Read MoreWhat’s a more popular subject among creators these days? A.I.? Contracts? Social media? There are a couple of others I’m leaving out but I think it’s safe to say most people plying a creative trade are curious about crowdfunding. Before going into detail, let’s look at the biggest picture possible, how governments and non-profit institutions view creatives as we make our living.
We’re all working artists
The question of who gets to make a living in the arts, is one that goes beyond the specifics of craft and medium. To my mind, writers & musicians are included among others (there’s that whole thing about Kung Fu I’m always going on about as well). But that initial question is probably as old as cave paintings, but let’s take a more recent view; a look at this question from just a decade ago–
Why 30 Days?

Whether you’re curious or committed to crowdfunding, you’ll quickly notice the tendency for 30 Day campaigns. It’s not a hard rule and during the years before crowdfunding’s current boom longer campaign durations may have been more prevalent, but looking at the past 10 Kickstarter campaigns I’ve personally supported, only one of them was significantly longer than 30 days, 90 iirc.
While there are a growing number of crowdfunding platforms to be found, Kickstarter remains predominant. That puts them in a great position to provide useful information on the nature of crowdfunding. They have this to say about campaigns which run more than 30 days –
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Watch for part 3. Coming to Kids Comics Unite 4/11/23.