Rawthenticity in a Profilic World

This title contains two terms I’ve discovered this year and continue seeking to wrap my mind around. The first term I discovered is Profilicity, which continues to be a concept worth deeper investigation; so let me first address the more recently discovered one.

“Rawthentic” – a term that seeks to encapsulates this craving for realness. “Rawthentic” is a blend of “raw” and “authentic”, capturing the essence of content that is both real and genuine. It goes beyond just being real; it’s about showcasing imperfections, sharing true stories, and creating connections that feel unfiltered and honest. So why is it so important in today’s marketing landscape?

Marketers tell me this kind of content resonates deeply because it reflects the real-life experiences and emotions that polished, highly-produced content often misses. Especially among Gen Z, the generation that has grown up with the internet at their fingertips, there’s a powerful shift towards valuing genuine, unfiltered content.

There’s some cognitive dissidence hidden in that sentiment of unfiltered content, but more on that momentarily. A lot of this is martketer-speak redefining a term which may have its roots in the Raw Foods movement; a more exacting form of veganism which avoids cooked foods. There’s also a brand of rolling papers which captured the URL. Finally, one might find the term used among advocates of raw or B.A.R.F. (Bone and Raw Foods) diets for dogs — definitely NOT vegan.

So why is Rawthenticity important to Marketers?

Genuine Connections: Gen Z values honesty and transparency. They are tired of the fake, overly polished personas that dominate social media. Instead, they seek brands who are willing to show their true selves, flaws and all. “Rawthentic” content builds trust and fosters deeper connections because it feels real and relatable.

Emotional Resonance: Authentic stories and raw emotions strike a chord with audiences. When people see content that mirrors their own experiences and feelings, it creates a strong emotional bond. This kind of connection is invaluable for brands looking to create loyal, engaged communities.

Transparency and Trust: In an age where misinformation is rampant, transparency has become a crucial factor in brand loyalty. “Rawthentic” content is transparent by nature. It shows the behind-the-scenes, the process, and the real people behind the brand, which helps in building trust and credibility.

Relatable Content: Polished content can sometimes feel distant and unattainable. In contrast, “Rawthentic” content is often more relatable. It features real people in real situations, making it easier for audiences to see themselves in the content and relate to the brand.

These allusions towards authentic content remain an illusion. This is because the term content remains contained by the currently almost-universal phenomena of profilicity. Still; there’s some value in examining how one might already be implementing the above described values.

  • Showcasing Real Stories: Share stories from clients, collaborators, or community members.
  • Behind-the-Scenes Content: Sharing the processes, challenges, and triumphs. Behind-the-scenes content is inherently raw and goes a long way towards building trust.
  • Embracing Imperfections: Being willing to show less-than-perfect elements; mistakes, a learning experience, or quirky aspects can be humanizing.
  • Honest Reviews: Invite your audience/community to share honest opinions. Authentic reviews, even if they include criticism, can boost credibility and show a value in transparency

So… what’s Profilicity?

It may be that an astute reader will have inferred its meaning from what’s been said about the concept of Rawthenticity — such as it is. If not, we can simply consider it a side effect of the ubiquity of public profiles in this day and age. As I continue to explore the concept I begin to suspect it’s far more complicated than that. Something I’ll explore in a future post.