I think we can all agree that 2021 has been a wild ride. It’s common that newsletters and blogs might take a moment to reflect on it in detail. This might include, some lists what I’ve read, or maybe my top favorite projects. I was not sure I can do it, so busy with thoughts of moving forward! Not just into 2022, but The Chinese New Year of the Tiger!
But recently it occurred to me why something like a top 10 list can be helpful. True to form, I discovered this while suggesting it to someone else, as a sort of mood-enhancement activity. Sparing the details, I suggested to someone facing a potentially stressful day “Think of a top 10 list – your top 10 whatever” hoping it may inspire them to focus on some feel-good things rather than the stresses of that day 💡
That’s when I thought – is that why people do that? We’re all faced with shorter days, colder nights and that sudden realization the year is ending sooner than we planned. In that light (or lack there of), making a list of things to feel good about seems essential.
So, my Top 10 Whatever for 2021 looks something like this –
10. My latest lesson in detachment
I wrote about it extensively here. But I think this video sums it up nicely.
9. The Suicide Squad
Why? well I liked the movie, quite a bit actually. It was also my first chance to return to writing official Movie Reviews, with the perks of a press-screening included.
What practical joke has been played on society to make DC Comics’ Harley Quinn the harbinger of the opening and closing of movie theaters under the shadow of Covid. Way back in February 2020, the before-pandemic times, BIRDS OF PREY AND THE FANTABULOUS EMANCIPATION OF ONE HARLEY QUINN opened to a tepid response. So much so, it was quietly renamed HARLEY QUINN AND THE BIRDS OF PREY, not that it helped the movie any. As for theaters, there’s no superhero or villain created that could have helped with their mass closure. But Harley persisted…
KungFuMagazine.com August 6, 2021

8. Shang Chi: and the Legend of the 10 Rings
I’d been looking forward to this movie since it had been announced, As the “comics guy” of KungFuMagazine.com you can see a timeline of interest, starting here. In the back of my mind I’d always hoped to write its official movie review. That didn’t come to pass. But as circumstances would have it, I kinda did one better.
7. The Eargoggle Double Album / Comic Anthology

6. MonkeyShines.Media
The man behind MonkeyShine.Media is a friend an cohort from many years ago. It took us all this time to finally find the right project to collaborate on.

5. Speculative Fiction for Dreamers
I touched on some of how good this book has been to me not long ago. I could and should write a whole blog post on it.

4. Discord
Online communities are back. An essential component to enduring the Pandemic days. This one has been essential for helping me develop my craft and and connect with people with similar interests & passions. Plus appreciators of my work.

3. Kids Comics United
Among the various communities I’ve forged connections with, this one hold a special place. It began with the opportunity to learn that evolved into an epic intensive course designed to elevate the standard of my work. It lead into some amazing summer work where I became one of five team-members dedicated to the rebranding of the community. The results can bee seen below. This work also included the chance to meet and even interview some amazing talents with-in the field. The chance to regularly connect with people whose talent and list of accomplishments are truly inspiring. Plus getting to know actual creators whose work I’ve been a fan of for a long, long time.

The result of wanting to do some sort of comics & kung fu panel in celebration both of Marvel Studio’s SHANG-CHI release, but also because Marvel Comics returned to publishing the comic Shang-Chi as written by, none other than, Gene Luen Yang. I was fortunate interview him, and host his visit to Kung Fu Magazine headquarters, back in 2017. We were able to reconnect via Kids Comics Unite, but that panel never quite happened the way I imagined. It instead resulted in THE COMICS FU SHOW which has been an epic end-of-the-year activity and something I could stand to do a lot more of In 2022.

1. A Tiger’s Tale
What can I say that I haven’t already said? Quite a bit actually. So, if you haven’t already subscribed, you can do that here. I promise I’ll do everything I can to make it worth your time & attention.

So that was mine. How about your? Care to give it a try in the comments?